Archive | December, 2010

30 December 2010 – And I’m back in the game!

30 Dec

Just in time for the new year, both I and my computer have recovered form our viruses (trojan in my PC’s case, fever in my case). All I can say is… Hallelujah!
I’m going to be busy catching up, so as soon as I got rid of these viruses, I did something that I’d been planning to do the last few weeks, blogwise – I have exported all my WordPress entries to my old account at Blogspot, or Blogger, or whatever it is called. I’m gonna stay there for a while, so check it out if you want to read what’s on my mind these days.

Best wishes


19 December 2010

19 Dec

Today we gathered together (forced myself a break from studying) to put up our Christmas tree, and afterwards I wrapped up all the gifts I’ve bought so far and, so now they are laying ever so nicely under the twinkling tree. 

This day was sparkling…

Right Now

15 Dec

I am trying not to sit around and think about the blood test, because I should be studying for my exams next week.
Oh boy, how I look forward to next week! And not because of all those Christmas presents that are waiting, but because I will get to stay at home without worrying about how much I am missing at school and without any vain attempts to get up every morning and try to go to class when I should be resting and not stressing.
Nevertheless, I just need to get prepared for the exams now, and then… I will no doubt only be anticipating the spring term once I am finally home after the last exam, haha!
The new courses, and speaking of which, I’ll need to order my new course literature very soon, the weather, the fashioooon…

Okay, bye now!

15 December 2010

15 Dec

Okay, whoever send me that virus to my email account… I’m going to find out who you are and where you live and when I’ll do that… I’m going to sit you down and explain to you how a pain in the buttocks it is to have a useless, annoying email sent from my account to everyone on my contact-list and be hoping that they know that it wasn’t from me and that they won’t block me. And then, if you still don’t get it… I will give you a pain in the buttocks.  True story.

12 December 2010

12 Dec

About yesterday… I think me and my big mouth spoke too soon.

11 December 2010

11 Dec

Good day! Today I’m feeling so much better, and that is mostly because I haven’t had nosebleed the last few days. I’m feeling stronger, too, though I still need to gain several pounds. I Hate being sick and weak and needing to depend on others and worrying them.

On another note, as I said yesterday, I’ve been thinking of making a few changes considering my blog. Already this autumn I’ve moved MARIANABANANA from Blogspot to here, WordPress, and now I’m thinking about moving it to a different platform again, and for the same reason as before.
A few years ago I used to blog at the most common Swedish platform, Surely it has changed a lot since then, but it should basically be the same. Easier in many ways, but also less lonely, as I feel blogging for WordPress. It’s so vacant here.
So over Christmas break I’m gonna explore again and play around a little and see if it is as nice as it used to be. But maybe some day, when I won’t be so dependent on others I will return to WordPress, that is if I will choose the switch platforms in a few weeks.

Until then, I’m gonna go catch up with schoolwork now.

Swedish Idol 2010

10 Dec

Who wants to know who won the Swedish Idol 2010?

If you want to hear more of Jay Smith right now, check out his old bands, El Mago, myspace here! How great?

New Year, New Mottos?

10 Dec

I feel that I need to make a few changes around here in my blog. I’m gonna start with the motto in the upper left corner above MARIANABANANA, which now reads “the girl in the white lace dress and combat boots”, because, honestly, who wears a lace dress in this cold? Not me, that’s for sure, so my new motto will be something like “I make the best of both worlds” or similar. As a reminder of how blessed I am and a motivation to keep it that way. I’ll be making more changes, once I know what and how, but that is enough for now.

Stop And Stare

10 Dec

Have I mentioned how beautiful it is outside today? The sky is almost clear, the clearest it has been for many weeks, and the visible sun is beaming down on green, brown, yellow, orange and white trees, on the snow covered ground,  on strangers and loved ones faces. And the way it shines through the window and lightens and warms up the apartment, it also lightens and warms up my existence, and I’m all smiles for a few moments before it’s time to move on.
I must be a summer-person, then.

10 December 2010

10 Dec

I’m off to the doctor’s, wish me good duck!


UPDATE at 12:23 PM:

Obviously I meant good *luck, not duck. That’s what I get when I blog that early, haha.

Anywho, today I’ve realized I’m not so keen on needles. But the fact that I can’t stand blood, I already knew.
As I mentioned last night, I went back to the health center this morning to do a blood test. It went… well, it didn’t go exactly as smooth as it should have, but it wasn’t too harsh. It still feels as if the needle is there, though, is that normal? But other than that, I only feel a bit dizzy. I hope I will get my result soon, but in the meanwhile, I believe I have some studying to do?