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All I Can Say Is It Was Enchanting To Meet You

29 Nov

Okay, I’m going to be honest. I went shopping after school today. I said I wouldn’t, but it’s been so long – if not counting my new coat, which I don’t – almost a month! But no more, the rest of the year I will buy nothing but Christmas gifts, and nothing for my selfish self.
I bought that black H&M dress from the new commercial  for, can you believe it, 99 kr! It looks better on than off, it looks really odd when it’s just hanging, haha!
And also,  since I couldn’t help myself, I went to my favorite little store and also bought a black lace dress and that cream colored top that I was going to put on my wishing-list.


Ahhh, my precious… But as I said, no more.

Look Of The Day

29 Nov

My most favorite color is blue. But I love all other colors, too.
It all depends on circumstances like weather and mood, or a special event. Today I follow the mood and the weather, or so I thought… Surely it was freezing, especially outside, with the wind and snow blowing on one’s face (thank the scientists for waterproof mascara, I say), but indoors mostly my hands and feet were freezing, and I was just waiting until I could go home and just curl up and get warm, because what can you really do when  you’re at school and your feet are cold? Run away, run home! Haha, got it? Cold feet? Running away?

Anywho, this is what I wore today, before I jumped off it and into my warm and comfy sweats as soon as I got home.

Cardigan from H&M, Shirt from MQ and my favorite jeans from Miami. Ring from Guldfynd.

Today I’m Wearing My Heart On My Sleeve

24 Nov

Our group meeting today went… well, it was, hm, I guess it… It… I think it was nice, and that’s all with that. Haha, although we didn’t get far at all, but we will meet up again tomorrow after class and put all our pieces together. I wonder if it will be as nice tomorrow as it was today. Though I really shouldn’t be wondering that.

Speaking of nothing – because that’s what it is – I was wondering last night whether it was raining or snowing outside, because it was too dark to see, and I got my answer 6 am this morning. It was snow, and it had been snowing the whole night, and even the whole day today. Now, remember when I said that I kind of miss the snow and all that?… Well, forget it, because I take it back!
It wasn’t that bad this morning, and was really happy with myself because I had dressed precisely warm enough and wasn’t cold at all. Then I stepped outside after the meeting and… it was so darn cooold! I don’t even know how I manage when the real Swedish winter (it blows in from Russia, so is it Russian winter then? No, Russian winter is… almost unbearable.) hits us. Brrrr!

Oh, darn it! What in the Sam’s heck is going on now, why can’t I upload any pictures? Never mind! It’s working now!

Beanie from MQ,
Top from Esprit,
Shoes from Walk On,
Necklace from Glitter, and
Jeans bought in U.S.A.

Flannel & Jeans

22 Nov

I ended up having only one cup of tea with biscuits, and falling asleep on the sofa during “Bones”. Good thing that I decided to take that bath later, because I would probably have fallen asleep in there then, and, well, that wouldn’t be so good. I think I’m gonna take a bath another day, and just go straight to bed now, or soon. Still waiting for the group to respond. Perhaps I should go ahead and start with the presentation while I’m waiting, though I’m not really sure where to start. Hopefully at least someone from the group will write back until tomorrow evening.

While I’m waiting this last minutes today, here’s my outfit. Some of the pictures were taken, surprisingly without complaint, by my brother. Without complaint, hm, he must be up to something.

The coat is mom’s, flannel shirt from JC, and Jeans from KappAhl.

In My Imaginary Wardrobe

21 Nov

Before I get started with my homework, I thought I’ll just peak at one of my favorite store’s online shop, you know, just to see if they have something new in there. And, oh, yes, they have! I shouldn’t have gone in there. Just look at these…

from Karlbjer.SE

I think I’ll add these to my wishing-list. Okay, back to studying now!

Yesterday’s Look

19 Nov


Knitted black sweater with white spots (much like todays weather) from Aima,
black leather skirt from Vera Moda,
and my favorite shoes from Walk On.

And a haystack of a hair because I was running late to school and didn’t have time do blow dry my hair. Ah, what the heck, who am I kidding, my hair is always a mess.

Wearing A Knitted Camel

17 Nov

Today was cold and dark and wet (my three less favorite things), but I manage to stay warm in this outfit:

Knitted, cozy  sweater from H&M, leggings from Lindex, earrings and ring from Guldfynd, my necklace is vintage, my new favorite boots are from Walk On.

Oh, and I just remembered something… I need a haircut!

Something New, Something Old

16 Nov

I like mixing old with new, and when I buy new clothes I take my sweet, sweet time before I wear it.
Today I was wearing my new coat from Lindex, my new belt from MQ, my new boots from Walk On and a vintage blue-white dotted dress and new leggings bought in Russia.


My New Coat

15 Nov

I don’t consider this as shopping, because I’ve been looking for a new jacket/coat for weeks and I need one, as it is winter and I have a body. I’ve told you this. And so I finally found The Coat, and of course I bought it! But it’s not shopping, because I only bought the coat alone, and I didn’t for example even try on that pretty black lace dress, or that black lace cardigan, or any of the pieces from that amazing ensemble on one of the mannequins… did I? So, as I said, not shopping.
My new coat is from Lindex.



Isn’t she a beaut?
And speaking of nothing, today on the train to Malmö I sat next to a Taylor Swift-lookalike. I noticed that we had practically the same outfit but with slightly different details and colors. Does that make me a Taylor Swift-lookalike?  Only with dark brown wavy hair?  I’m not sure about whether this is a good thing.

Today’s Look

15 Nov

First of all, a big thank-you to mom, for letting me sneak around in her wardrobe and taking the photos. She thinks I have some kind of rare disease that makes me want to take pictures of my outfit first thing when I step inside the door. She’s too much.


Coat is borrowed from Mom, Sweater from H&M, Belt from Sisters, skirt also from Mom’s wardrobe.

Bag from Broby Skoaffär, boots from Bra Skor
